All Posts by heaven

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Dec 15

Psychic Reading for Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

     I hope you are enjoying this holiday season, no matter what the holiday is that you are celebrate.  It has been requested again that I answer a few questions about psychics, psychic mediums, and the information that we get.  First, I’d like to say that I’m of the belief that none of us has all the answers.  And as psychics and psychic mediums we, too, are on the same journey as everyone else.  We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.  Where we are on that journey varies from person to person.  There are people that realize and are awakened to the fact that we are spiritual beings having  human experience, and there are others that are still firmly planted in the concept that we are human beings having a spiritual experience.  And which side of that camp you land on has direct impact on what experiences you have, and how you interpret those experiences.
     At times some think one experience is  more important than another.  This is point of contention among many.  My personal philosophy on this is, while a certain experience that I have may be more important to me than another experience that I have, but none of my experiences are more important to another person than the ones they have.  The reason for that is that while we are collectively on a soul journey, we are also individually on a our soul journey.  In other words, the sum total of my experiences impact my soul journey, as do the sum total of another person’s experience impact theirs.  It’s the end result of those things that make us who we are, and help us to grow as spiritual beings.  The individuals who are still under the thought process that we are human beings having a spiritual experience are just as important as the other way around.  For those individuals have not yet reached the awakening that this human experience is only one aspect of who and what we are.  If one hasn’t reached that point yet, it’s difficult to wrap your mind around that concept.
    A thought that recently came to the forefront of my thinking is, what if, like in the James Cameron movie, Avatar, there are multiple dimensions, and we know that there are, and we can create an Avatar, if you will, to travel into that other dimension.  Now, give some thought to this is the dimension in which in our bodies this is the Avatar.  Our human body is the avatar, and the experiences we have are the creation of our thoughts.  In other words, we are creating this reality by our thoughts, and where the majority of the humans spend their time thinking, worrying about, and creating has manifested the situations we find ourselves in today.  Wouldn’t that mean we have the ability to change the bad things, turn them into good things.  We can create abundance for every living being on the planet, in the universe, in this dimension.  There really is no shortage of anything, there really is no illness.  We create them by our thought energy.  We spend time creating lack, we spend time creating anger, hatred, war.  The majority of people now have at some point heard about Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale; The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, The Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks; and let’s not leave out Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsh.  All of these books talk about what we can create by our thoughts.  Thoughts become words, words are energy.  Words have Power.  We create our own realities by our thoughts and our words.
     One might question if individuals in control know this, individuals with political power, world power, why then would they not encourage people to think about the abundance, think about love, peace, health, and healing?  Well, the short answer to that is it is not to their benefit for societies to know that they have this kind of power.  And or people to come together in these types of meditations and prayers knowing that they can create all that is desired and all the tis needed.  The individuals in that kind of control and power are usually driven by greed, or someone else’s greed.  You cannot control large groups of people if those people know they can create their own happiness and abundance without you.  You know longer have a need to be dependent on them for decisions that effect you.  The groups of people are not in fear of not having food, they’re not in fear of being terrorized, or killed in their own lands.  It’s a form of enslavement.  Enslavement to their thought process for their benefit.  As more of souls awaken to the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are creating that experience for our soul growth, it is a freeing from all of these kinds of enslavement.  That thinking alone is enslavement.  Isn’t it time that more and more people wake up and break free of those bonds that keep us tied down by someone else’s agenda.
     Recently I was asked when doing psychic readings, or psychic medium readings would the vast majority of people rather I tell them what they want to hear, or tell them what I do hear and see.  This varies with the individual having the reading.  While there are readers that will tell a client what they want to hear for fear that the person will be upset with them for telling them what they do hear and see, I am not one of those readers.  My belief is in this regard is that I am allowed to decide how I deliver the message, I am not at liberty to choose what messages I deliver.  Also, if something that may seem of a negative nature comes through to me to give to a client it is for one of two reasons, one because it is something that can be changed; i.e. I see a possible car accident or something of this nature, if that was inevitable and could not be changed they would not show it to me.  But let’s say I’m getting the message that “Aunt Sallie” is ill with a terminal illness, and she’s not gong to recover and there are things that need to be said and haven’t been, then I’m shown that it’s time to make sure all things have been addressed, to give the person the opportunity to say, I love you, I’m sorry, whatever they need to say, so there will be no regrets.  My longtime friend and radio host, Scott Cluthe, whom I’ve done radio with for years, introduces me on his show as someone who doesn’t sugar coat things, he says I tell it like it is.  I do not deliver in a harsh or cruel manner, I don’t believe that is the way it has to be done, but I deliver with loving compassion for whatever the individual may be living through at this time, and attempt to prepare them for what is to come.
     Another person asked me, if a parent dies and they have three children, can and does the parent choose to be around one of those children more than another.  From what I’ve been shown through the years, it is similar to talking to God, or calling on an angel for assistance, they can be omnipresent.   In our human experience we attempt to put those human limits on God, angels and our loved ones in the spirit realm, and they just don’t belong in that realm.  We use our human minds to try and understand things that are not of the human worlds.  Words to describe the spirit realm and it’s capabilities have not advanced to the level of what is possible in that dimension.  Our loved ones, just like angels and God can be present in multiple places at one time.  They can hear multiple things at once, and can do multiple things at once.  We are attempting to use limits imposed by the human aspect of things to describe and understand things that are not of the human element.
     As always, I hope that this entry finds you in good spirits, it helps you to understand one more piece of our spiritual puzzle.  I send you love and light, and ask  you to take the word impossible, and turn it into I AM POSSIBLE.  Know that anything you want, desire, dream is very Possible, you need only to believe it and start creating it.  If you wish to book an appointment send an email, or visit my website  Join us on Facebook, twitter and linkedin.

Dec 12

Psychic Reading for Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

     I hope you are enjoying this holiday season, no matter what the holiday is that you are celebrate.  It has been requested again that I answer a few questions about psychics, psychic mediums, and the information that we get.  First, I’d like to say that I’m of the belief that none of us has all the answers.  And as psychics and psychic mediums we, too, are on the same journey as everyone else.  We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.  Where we are on that journey varies from person to person.  There are people that realize and are awakened to the fact that we are spiritual beings having  human experience, and there are others that are still firmly planted in the concept that we are human beings having a spiritual experience.  And which side of that camp you land on has direct impact on what experiences you have, and how you interpret those experiences.
     At times some think one experience is  more important than another.  This is point of contention among many.  My personal philosophy on this is, while a certain experience that I have may be more important to me than another experience that I have, but none of my experiences are more important to another person than the ones they have.  The reason for that is that while we are collectively on a soul journey, we are also individually on a our soul journey.  In other words, the sum total of my experiences impact my soul journey, as do the sum total of another person’s experience impact theirs.  It’s the end result of those things that make us who we are, and help us to grow as spiritual beings.  The individuals who are still under the thought process that we are human beings having a spiritual experience are just as important as the other way around.  For those individuals have not yet reached the awakening that this human experience is only one aspect of who and what we are.  If one hasn’t reached that point yet, it’s difficult to wrap your mind around that concept.
    A thought that recently came to the forefront of my thinking is, what if, like in the James Cameron movie, Avatar, there are multiple dimensions, and we know that there are, and we can create an Avatar, if you will, to travel into that other dimension.  Now, give some thought to this is the dimension in which in our bodies this is the Avatar.  Our human body is the avatar, and the experiences we have are the creation of our thoughts.  In other words, we are creating this reality by our thoughts, and where the majority of the humans spend their time thinking, worrying about, and creating has manifested the situations we find ourselves in today.  Wouldn’t that mean we have the ability to change the bad things, turn them into good things.  We can create abundance for every living being on the planet, in the universe, in this dimension.  There really is no shortage of anything, there really is no illness.  We create them by our thought energy.  We spend time creating lack, we spend time creating anger, hatred, war.  The majority of people now have at some point heard about Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale; The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, The Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks; and let’s not leave out Conversations with God, by Neale Donald Walsh.  All of these books talk about what we can create by our thoughts.  Thoughts become words, words are energy.  Words have Power.  We create our own realities by our thoughts and our words.
     One might question if individuals in control know this, individuals with political power, world power, why then would they not encourage people to think about the abundance, think about love, peace, health, and healing?  Well, the short answer to that is it is not to their benefit for societies to know that they have this kind of power.  And or people to come together in these types of meditations and prayers knowing that they can create all that is desired and all the tis needed.  The individuals in that kind of control and power are usually driven by greed, or someone else’s greed.  You cannot control large groups of people if those people know they can create their own happiness and abundance without you.  You know longer have a need to be dependent on them for decisions that effect you.  The groups of people are not in fear of not having food, they’re not in fear of being terrorized, or killed in their own lands.  It’s a form of enslavement.  Enslavement to their thought process for their benefit.  As more of souls awaken to the fact that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are creating that experience for our soul growth, it is a freeing from all of these kinds of enslavement.  That thinking alone is enslavement.  Isn’t it time that more and more people wake up and break free of those bonds that keep us tied down by someone else’s agenda.
     Recently I was asked when doing psychic readings, or psychic medium readings would the vast majority of people rather I tell them what they want to hear, or tell them what I do hear and see.  This varies with the individual having the reading.  While there are readers that will tell a client what they want to hear for fear that the person will be upset with them for telling them what they do hear and see, I am not one of those readers.  My belief is in this regard is that I am allowed to decide how I deliver the message, I am not at liberty to choose what messages I deliver.  Also, if something that may seem of a negative nature comes through to me to give to a client it is for one of two reasons, one because it is something that can be changed; i.e. I see a possible car accident or something of this nature, if that was inevitable and could not be changed they would not show it to me.  But let’s say I’m getting the message that “Aunt Sallie” is ill with a terminal illness, and she’s not gong to recover and there are things that need to be said and haven’t been, then I’m shown that it’s time to make sure all things have been addressed, to give the person the opportunity to say, I love you, I’m sorry, whatever they need to say, so there will be no regrets.  My longtime friend and radio host, Scott Cluthe, whom I’ve done radio with for years, introduces me on his show as someone who doesn’t sugar coat things, he says I tell it like it is.  I do not deliver in a harsh or cruel manner, I don’t believe that is the way it has to be done, but I deliver with loving compassion for whatever the individual may be living through at this time, and attempt to prepare them for what is to come.
     Another person asked me, if a parent dies and they have three children, can and does the parent choose to be around one of those children more than another.  From what I’ve been shown through the years, it is similar to talking to God, or calling on an angel for assistance, they can be omnipresent.   In our human experience we attempt to put those human limits on God, angels and our loved ones in the spirit realm, and they just don’t belong in that realm.  We use our human minds to try and understand things that are not of the human worlds.  Words to describe the spirit realm and it’s capabilities have not advanced to the level of what is possible in that dimension.  Our loved ones, just like angels and God can be present in multiple places at one time.  They can hear multiple things at once, and can do multiple things at once.  We are attempting to use limits imposed by the human aspect of things to describe and understand things that are not of the human element.
     As always, I hope that this entry finds you in good spirits, it helps you to understand one more piece of our spiritual puzzle.  I send you love and light, and ask  you to take the word impossible, and turn it into I AM POSSIBLE.  Know that anything you want, desire, dream is very Possible, you need only to believe it and start creating it.  If you wish to book an appointment send an email, or visit my website  Join us on Facebook, twitter and linkedin.

Nov 30

Angels At Our Side

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

     Hello friends.  It’s been a while since our last post.  Many things have been going on, and lots to share.  While contemplating what to write about, and I often ask friends and fans what they would like to read about, a young friend, (first grader), actually suggested that I write about angels.  I’m sure her suggestion was a born out of the fact that we had recently had a discussion because she was frightened to sleep in her own bed.  When I asked her why she was afraid, she promptly declared there’s a witch at my window and a monster in my closet.  I don’t want to be in there with them.  They scare me.  

     I can remember a time when I would have been frightened of the same types of things.  In fact, I know adults that are frightened of “paranormal activity” around them.  For the most part, this kind of activity around a person or a home is harmless.  The spirit realm is merely co-existing in the same space, but a different dimension.  There recently has been an upswing in the amount of noticed activity.  It’s not that the activity has become more, it’s the fact that more of it is noticed.  Why is being noticed now?  The answer to that is because the “veil”, if you will, between the two dimensions is getting thinner.
    It has been my experience and what I’ve been shown through the years of being a psychic medium that each of us has a team that is with us, and helps us through our human lifetime.  This team consists of guardian angels, spirit guides, and our loved ones that have crossed into the heavenly dimension.  I’ve been asked if those that have crossed into that dimension are somehow stuck in between because they are helping us.  The answer to that is no they are not stuck.  However, there are spirits that at the time of crossing did not go into the light, and they are stuck.  There’s a big difference.  And for the most part those spirits are harmless, and while they sometimes engage in mischievous activity, they don’t mean to scare anyone.
     Now, I want to go back to my little friend, Ruby, and her problem with the witch and the monster.  I gave Ruby a crystal for her protection, and told her that she could call on the Archangel Michael, the protector angel.  Archangel Michael is known for being the angel of protection.  Most often when you look up pictures of him you find ones with him holding a sword and shield, hence the protection from anything and everything.  Ruby was quite happy to know that she could personally call an Archangel to help her with this witch that seemed to be hanging out at her window, and the monster in her closet.  After a search on the Internet and showing her several images of the Archangel Michael, she promptly chose one that met with her liking.  The image that she chose was one not with a sword or a shield, but one that was much more gentle and loving in appearance.  Each of us has images that we are drawn to, and comfortable with.  It was not at all surprising to me that my six year old friend would be drawn to one who had such gentle appearance, while most adults would choose one with the sword and shield.
     There are people who might say, or wonder, well if he is protecting someone over here, how can I call on him and still have him help me.  Well, angels like God can multi-task.  We get stuck in our thinking of this third dimension, and truth be told, the dimension that angels exist in and that God does is not limited by the same constraints we are.  They are omni-present, in other words, they can be present in multiple places at one time, helping multiple people at one time.  We try to put our earthly limits on God and angels, and even our loved ones that have crossed over.  The limits are only present in our own minds.  We are capable of so much more than we realize, but the limits we put on ourselves stop those possibilities.
    So far we have only talked about the Archangel Michael.  I’d like to give a more detailed description of he represents.  Michael is the arch angel whose name means he is representative of God.  He is the protector angel. Along with being the protector, he can heal nervousness, and can clear out fear.
     For each area of our life and the earth’s there is an archangel that covers that area.  You can say that they are God’s helpers.  The next Archangel I’d like to address is Ariel, her name means Lioness of God.  She is considered the angel of animals.  She helps to heal them and the environment.  So if you have a pet that is sick or you environment is in need of healing, call on Ariel, this is her primary function.  Whether your pet is suffering from an illness or getting to cross into heaven, you can ask Ariel to help, she gladly steps forward to help.
     The Archangel Uriel helps us to heal resentment and to be forgiving.  If you are struggling with these areas of your life, ask Uriel to present himself in your life and take away the resentment.  He can help you to forgive and to be forgiven.
    Raphael is the healing angel.  Whether you are in need of physical or emotional healing Raphael can direct you on that path.  He is also known to guide healers.  His name means “he who heals.”  No matter what your illness is, Raphael can help you on each level.
    Most of us have heard of the Archangel Gabriel. After all, he is mentioned in the Bible in reference to announcing the birth of Jesus.  His name means, “messenger of God”.  Not surprisingly, he heals women during pregnancy and child birth.  He also has dominions over helping with creative projects.  So whether you are pregnant and suffering from things that only come on during pregnancy, or you are stuck in your creative needs, Gabriel can aide you.
    The angels that I have mentioned here are only a few of the archangels that we can call upon to help us and guide us, there are many more.  The power you can call into your life by calling on these angels for help and guidance is unlimited.  Remember, if you are struggling with any part of your life, you can call on your team for guidance and assistance.  Just like six year old, Ruby, who was able to call on the Archangel Michael and go back to sleeping in her bed, you too, have access to these angels for your help and guidance.  The angels are only piece of your team that work at helping you in your earthly life lessons, they are indeed a powerful part of that team.  That power is there for you to call upon, and claim.  It is your God-given birthright.  So use it as much and as often as you like.    Until next time, I send you love and light.
   Remember, if you’ve lost a loved one that now resides in the heavenly spirit dimensions, or if you have a life lesson you need clarity in, and would like to set an appointment for a psychic reading, or a psychic medium reading, go to or email  Blessings to you and your loved ones on earth and in heaven. 
Jul 28

Questions Asked of Psychic Medium Pam Jenkins

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

Well, it’s been while since we last blogged.  Lots has of things have been happening and many are searching for answers.  In this entry I’ve decided to answer a few questions that seem to be of interest to a number of people.  I want to preface this with saying these answers are based on what I’ve been shown, what I’ve been told, and my feelings that are combined with those things.  In no way do I ever want anyone to feel that I think I have all the answers.  It is my humble opinion that not one of us has all the answers.  Each of us is shown a piece of the puzzle, and that piece is taken into what our experiences are.  I read a book once that talked about when we are young our truth is like a seed that has been planted, and not yet sprouted, as we grow physically, emotionally, psychically, and spiritually that truth grows and expands much like a flower.  That flower cannot reach the peak of it’s bloom until we have left this earth and then have the total picture.  So as much as I share here in the answers to these questions that have been posed to me, please understand, I want you to take what resonates with you, and just throw the rest back.  When a truth vibrates with you and then you understand it to be your truth, then you know it.  When it doesn’t, then it is not your truth.  So these answers are my truth as I know it.

The first question that has been asked, and I have had this come up many times in many readings, Do our pets go to heaven?  Our pets are living breathing beings, they have souls, just as we do. When they die here on earth, they too, go into the heavenly realm.  They interact with us in heaven, and they try to bring messages through for us that they have left behind, as much as any human does.  They know we mourn their loss, and know that we grieve.  They don’t speak when giving messages anymore than they speak human language here, but they bring through their personalities, they show things they have done here. Also there are psychics who specialize in animal communication, but they also come through to psychics and psychic mediums who do not specialize in it.  We have come to realize that our domesticated animals get the same illnesses that humans do.  They get cancer, heart disease, arthritis, leukemia, glaucoma, cataracts, and the like.  And these are just a few of the things that our animals can get.  They get these diseases much in the same ways that we do.  Any being that can suffer can also feel joy.  I’ve been shown any number of times an animal coming through for someone who is missing their companion.  No matter what the pet is, if you have loved it and cared for it, you will be able to be reunited in heaven, just as you can be with the humans family and friends that have gone there before you.  So if you have a reading and the psychic is bringing through one of your pets, listen and see if that loving personality isn’t coming through to show you, yes, animals go to heaven, too.

     And now to the question of, Do people who commit suicide go to heaven?  There here we embark on a controversial subject. It has been taught that when people commit suicide they have sinned against God, and therefore will go straight to hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.  This is in complete contrast to what I’ve seen and been shown through the years in doing psychic medium readings for people who are survivors of suicide.  I’ve been shown repeatedly that they have two very specific “jobs” they do once they transition and get acclimated to the spirit realm.  When someone commits suicide they break a contract in life, but they haven’t made it so they are going to a place of forever damnation.  First they are greeted by what I will call the “welcoming committee”.  This doesn’t mean they have a big arrival party, because as you can imagine if someone has committed suicide they are in a great deal of pain to begin with, they are already in a very dark place.  It take a bit of time to adjust, if you will.  Upon arrival rest is given. Once that rest period is over they walk through a life review of sorts, looking at what caused the pain to be so severe that they just didn’t see any other way out.  And being at a different level of view, let’s call it a 360 degree view versus 180, they can see all around it, they can now see there were other choices that could have been made to make what was being experienced a much different outcome.

     After this review, there are two primary jobs that they prepare for.  Each of these two jobs is experienced by people that commit suicide.  There is the job of being part of the welcoming team, or transition team for people that commit suicide.  In other words, just like they were greeted when they first arrived, they become greeters of others that have done the same thing, taking their own life, or are in some way responsible for their own death.  The job, which is somewhat more difficult, is to act as spirit guides for people that are contemplating suicide.  Sometimes these guides are able to get through to someone who is considering suicide, and of course, other times they are not.  The times they are not able to get through to try and talk the person out of it is because the person is in such pain and anguish that they cannot hear, or feel the guide that is trying to get through.  When people commit suicide they have often been battling with depression.  Depression is a very dark hole that is real to the person experiencing it, and it’s very difficult to hear people that are alive and speaking to them, let alone being able to tune in and hear a spirit guide trying to stop them.  But there are times when the spirit guide is so strong they are successful, and that is sometimes accomplished by working with someone else that is involved in the person’s life and can be guided to help them.  So, I will end this answer with saying, please understand that while they are not condemned to damnation, there is special work for them to do before they choose whether or not to incarnate on earth again to work through whatever broken contract they left unfinished.

     The next question I have been asked to address is, Do children grow up in heaven when they have passed as either a baby or a small child?  I can’t say that I have a conclusive answer on this, but what when a child or baby comes to comfort that parent, they will show themselves so that the parent will recognize them, but at the same time it’s a matter of the age of the soul, not the age of the child when they passed.  So they are able to bring things through for the person when have a psychic medium reading that will let the grieving parent know that they are okay, and that they came here for a specific purpose and that they accomplished that purpose in the short time that they lived.  While that doesn’t take away the pain of the loss, it certainly can and does help heal some of it.  And again, know that you will again get to be with that soul, with that child, and you will see and know them.  It’s a knowing on a soul level.  A reference that I have been given to use to put it in terms that we can understand, would be to watch the movie What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams.  Of course, there is the Hollywood aspect in the movie, but I’ve been told that this is a depiction that can help us understand how we will recognize those souls when we reach the spirit realm.
     So,  Do they miss us as much as we miss them?  Missing would be considered a negative emotion, and there are no negative emotions in the heavenly spirit realm.  The missing is on our part from the loss of that loved one that we so enjoyed their company, their time with us.  We miss being able to hear their voice, see their face, smell their scent.  There is no pain there, and missing is a sort of pain.  Our loved ones do try to comfort us by letting us know that they are still around.  If there has been a break in the relationship, or if some wrong has not been corrected or apologized in life, I have had a spirit come through to try to apologize or ask forgiveness for their part in it.  When forgiveness is given it heals not only them, but the person here.  That’s not always something that the person here is ready to do, and it’s in the timing of the person here, because the soul in spirit is usually ready to apologize.  They can see things from a perspective that they were unable to embrace while they were here on earth.   While they may not deserve forgiveness, that forgiveness gives the person here peace and solace, and helps to heal so that the cycle does not continue.

  And people want to know, When we communicate with our loved ones in spirit, are we keeping them from something?  We know things in linear time here on earth, and there is no such thing as linear time in the spirit realm.  Things are instantaneous and constant in the spirit realm.  In a moment they can be with us, and a moment later doing whatever work they need to do there in that realm.  Much like we have a life here, there is life there.  It’s just not bogged down with the need for finances and other such trivial stuff.  It’s truly about growth there, and it’s solely about the soul, pun intended.  There’s no way we can keep a soul from doing what they are needing to do. So worry not about your communication keeping them from being where they need to be, or doing what they need to do.  If they are communicating with you, or visiting with you, that’s what they need to be doing in that moment.

     I thank you for reading the blog by a psychic medium who knows she doesn’t have all the answers, but feels blessed to believe she has some of the answers that help people.  Take the answers that help you, and the ones that don’t make sense to you, just throw them back.  I hope this blog helps you, and helps you heal any pain that you may be feeling from the loss of a loved one.  Know that they are not missing the events in your life, they can see all, and know all that you are experiencing.  If you have other questions you would like me to address in the blog in the future, please send an email to  Take time to stop by the website,  For now, I send to each of you Universal Love and

Feb 08

Psychic Medium readings, in person or phone reading?

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

Hello friends.  It’s been a while since the last posting. These last few months have been very busy getting a place set up on the west coast.  We are now officially bi-coastal.  It’s interesting to see the differences in they way people think, and do things.  I’ve been getting a number of calls for clients who would like to have a reading, but they weren’t sure about having it over the phone.  So today I’m going to explain why a phone reading is a good way to have session.

According to what I’ve experienced and been shown through meditation, and in doing the readings for clients each of us has a team.  That team consists of guardian angels, spirit guides, and loved ones and or friends that have crossed over (died on earth).  Our team attempts to help and guide each of us toward our highest and best good.  Members of the team are not allowed to intercede in our behalf unless we ask them to.  When we pray that is a form of asking for that help.

When I do readings, the first thing I do is a meditation for the day.  Some information comes to me during that meditation.  The rest of the information to be shared is given during or at the time of the reading.  All of my senses are used.  Which senses are used depends on the energy/soul that is conveying the message.  When that communication is going on, be it meditation, or by virtue of being open to receive the information we are crossing dimensions.  In so doing, it is not necessary that we be in the same room, same building or office.  They don’t care if the person the reading is present with me, or half the world away, they give me the same messages.

I’ve been asked if you get a better reading if it is in person versus being a phone reading.  The answer to this question is that it makes no difference.  Having the session in person is merely a personal preference for the individual having the reading.  About 80% of the readings that I do are phone readings, in person readings are about 20%.  So rest assured that if you want to have a reading, and you are not in the area of where I am physically, you can still have that done.

Now there is something that can make a difference, at least for me, in what kind of results you can get in the reading, and that is you must truly be open.  By that I mean, not angry, or holding back, or intentionally blocking.  In a reading, whether it is in person or phone, I am given signs, shown things, hear something, taste, or feel.  As I am receiving these types of signs I convey them to the person having the reading.  After I say something that I’ve been given or shown, I ask the question, “does this make sense to you?”  The only answer I want is yes it makes sense, or no it doesn’t.  The reason for asking the question is because I need to be sure I am interpreting what is being given.  If it makes sense we keep going with new and more information, and each time asking the same question.  If it does not make sense then I ask the spirit realm for clarification.  One of two things happens here, they keep pushing the way I’ve interpreted it, or I get something else that will help connect it.  So this type of feedback is needed.  And if the person having the reading is intentionally giving false answers (yes, when they don’t connect it, or no, when they do know what I’m giving them) this will block a successful reading.  For what purpose someone would do this, I can’t say I understand it, but having experienced, I know that it does happen.  When someone does that it is a waste of their money and my time.  I’m truly in this to help people heal from loss, and the pain associated with it, as well help with guidance on how to best deal with life lessons, or situations that they are experiencing.

I bring up that part of it because I actually experienced both of those things recently.  The first one was a young lady who had booked a 45 minute session.  As I started the session with the client I sensed that she was apprehensive.  In giving her information and then asking, does this make sense to you, she would say no.  Each and every time I asked her that I got the same answer, so 15 minutes into the session I explained to her that this was not going to benefit either one of us and I terminated the session.  After terminating the session I issued a refund.  The second young lady had inquired about a reading through an email, and she explained how angry she was,  angry with God, and angry with the world.  Against my own guidance, and I know you’re sitting there thinking, why would you go against your own guidance? Other than wanting to help this young lady with her pain is the only answer I can give you as to why, but my guidance told me not to do a reading for her, because she was not in the right place emotionally for this to be successful.  And I got the message myself that by not listening to my guidance, the reading didn’t result in a positive outcome.  I was giving her information as I got it, and she kept saying, if you can believe this, yes, or it could be, needless to say, giving false positives didn’t help further her desire for concrete proof that there is an afterlife.  Session ended 15 minutes into the one hour time, and again I refunded, because my desire is to help people, not do harm.  Both of these decided they would write a review which was hurtful and upsetting.  While I know it was done out of their own pain, it still hurt me and upset me.  If I was trying to scam or defraud them I would not have refunded their money.  My desire and mission is to help as many people as I can, both in connecting with loved ones, and in dealing with life situations.  And I must say that for the time I have been doing this, both before I started doing it full time, and since then, the overwhelming majority of my clients have been pleased.  I cannot let a few sour grapes to sour the whole bottle of wine, so to speak.

So for now, I will leave you with the idea that you can have either a phone reading or an in person reading and they can both be successful forms of having an appointment with a qualified psychic, or psychic medium.  But remember you must be open and part of that success by responding truthfully about whether or not the signs relayed make sense to you or not.    Feel free to check out my website at, or if you have questions that are not answered here or on the site give me a call and we can help you get the answers you need.

I’m sending you love and light until next time.

Oct 04

Are the TV shows about Psychics and Mediums Accurate?

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

  Hello again to all my loyal friends, and fans.  A subject that has come up a number of times in the last few months is about televisions shows involving psychics or psychic mediums.  I’ve been asked if the ways things are shown is real or is it all made up.   The main purposes of my blog is educate those interested about psychics, psychic mediums, and all things associated with psychic readings and psychic medium readings.

   My earliest memory of psychics being on TV was Miss Cleo and the Psychic Readers Network, and then there was Dione Warwick and the Psychic Friends Network.  I don’t know what your opinion may have been of those infomercials, but mine certainly weren’t of a positive nature. Both were commercials and infomercials about call-in lines for psychic predictions, and psychic readings.  Of course, there were many jokes and generalizations about psychics and the work that they do.  This was not a good foundation for psychic phone readings to be based on.
  We’ve come a long way since that time, in both education about psychics.  As I have written before, not all are good, not all are bad.  And since the timing of Psychic Readers Network and Psychic Friends Network, there have been several psychic mediums who have done television shows that has done as much good for the reputation of the work, as those first two did to damage it.  John Edward’s show, Crossing Over, and then there was Beyond with James Van Praagh.  People were able to watch members of the audiences get readings from these two mediums and see how connecting with their loved ones worked.  Not only were the members of the audiences brought to tears, but television audiences wept as well, hoping to possibly to be able to make that connection with their own loved ones.  
  And then came the television series that were put on.  They were put on as entertainment, but my belief is that they also helped to educate people.  Keeping in mind that there is, of course, the “Hollywood” aspect of the show, and there is also a foundation, if you will, of truth in some of it.  And how much reality there was in the show depended on which show you might have been watching.  Let me start with Charmed, which was a show about three sisters who got their powers back after the death of their grandmother, “Grams.”  Phoebe was the psychic sister, who was able to see things that were yet to come.  She had the gift of precognition, which means to see things before they happen.  The way in which her precognitive abilities were shown is by her touching someone or something and seeing the impending trouble.  Because the premise of the show was that the girls were always fighting against demons, Phoebe rarely saw good things coming in the future.  The act of touching something or someone and getting a premonition is the element that is not necessary.  I’m not saying that it is not possible, I’m saying it’s not necessary.  Touching someone or something and getting information about the object or the person is called psychometry.  As the girls grew closer, their gifts grew as well.  Phoebe then received the gift of empathy.  Being an empath means feeling what another person feels.  Having this gift can be overwhelming, especially if you are unaware of having it,  and that in turn causes an inability to control it.  An example of how an empath picks up things from others is, an empath can be in a room full of people, everyone is happy and having a good time.  The next thing that happens is that another person walks into the room and she happens to be very angry, the energy in the room changes dramatically.  The empath will pick up on this and feel the anger raging in his or herself. I’m sure you have felt something similar to this in the past.  This is one of the ways that a psychic or medium gets information, either about the person who has died, or the person having the reading.  The psychic is able to differentiate what they are feeling is associated with the dead person, or the person having the session.  I’m not going to go into the gifts that Piper, or Prue had in this blog.  While they did have some gifts that psychics and mediums have, the vast majority of theirs were for show, literally.
  The next show I would like to talk about is Ghost Whisperer, with Jennifer Love Hewitt as Melinda Gordon.  Melinda was able to see, hear, and communicate with “ghosts” in the show.  In reality there are some souls that have not moved into the light because they have unfinished business.  Psychic Mediums are able to see, hear, and feel things from a soul that is communicating with them, so this is the part of the show that was real.  Again, the “Hollywood” aspect of this show is that number of times that this happens in one small town.  James Van Praagh was the Co-executive Producer on this show.  Having him on board certainly helped to keep this show closer to psychic mediums experience.
  Then we have the show Medium, which is based on the life of Allison Dubois.  Allison is another psychic medium.  In the show when a case needs to be solved Allison had a “dream” which gives her clues to lead to what happened.  Reality is that mediums do at times get information that can be helpful to law enforcement in solving a crime, or helping to find a missing person.  For the most part, mediums do not have dreams every night that are connected to their readings.  There are psychics and mediums who at times get information about things that either have happened, or are going to happen, and the information can be helpful to law enforcement.  Just as there are in all walks of life, there are law enforcement officers who believe in the gifts that psychics have, and are willing to use those tips to help solve a crime or find a missing person.  For many reasons, most of which are obvious, law enforcement will not come out and acknowledge that this is a practice that is used in their departments.  but psychics are used in situations similar to that of a confidential informant.
  All in all, the more recent television shows that have been based on, or feature a psychic or a psychic medium as based on some foundation of truth. In other words, some of the things that are portrayed are true and accurate, others are exaggerated for entertainment purposes.  And if you are thinking about having a reading you should decide what is the purpose for having a reading, if it is for entertainment purposes, you and a few of your friends are doing it just for a “hoot” as they say, then you can just pick any one you want, and “remember” you were doing it for fun, and keep it perspective.  If you are, however, doing it because you have lost a loved one, or you are experiencing a life situation that you need guidance in, then do your research first.  Talk to a friend who has spoken to one, search on-line and read as much as you can about the person you are going to make an appointment with.  Learn what the tell tale signs are of a scammer, Is Your Psychic Real or a Scam?  You can also visit a site that Bob Olson has created to help people find a good psychic or psychic medium,  Seeing a psychic for fun is one thing, and seeing one for healing and help is completely different.  Make sure you select the right one for you.
  Until next time, Love and Light to you all.
Jul 23

When to Have a Reading

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

  To have a reading or not to have a reading.  Some are not sure if they want  a reading, or even if it will help.  Then there are those who would like to, but it goes against their religious beliefs, and they’re not quite sure if they will end up in hell if they do.  Let me state outright, my purpose is not to put anyone’s religion down.  We all have the right to believe what we choose, and should be able to do that without anyone judging it.  I would like to state that my personal belief is that all religions have a foundation in truth.  Not only do they all have a foundation in truth, but rooted in love, compassion and understanding.  Through years of man’s interpretations those foundations have drastically changed.  It’s kind of like reading a book, and telling someone what you think the author meant when he wrote it.  If you ask ten different people, you are likely to get different interpretations.  So, on the aspect as it applies to having a reading because of what your religious views are, I say, if it feels right to you, then have one.  I can assure you that there is no punishment for having a session.  You won’t be arrested, no ads in the newspaper are taken out to let others know you have done it.

  Now, I would like to address timing of having a reading.  If you have lost a loved one, and you are hoping to connect with them there is no specific amount of time that must be waited out before you can have a session, or that you will be able to get through to them.  As for the timing on your end is another factor to be considered.  When someone passes people are in a great deal of pain from the loss, and very emotional.  This is normal and won’t hinder the contact, but you may have a better experience if you wait a little bit until you have time to adjust per se.  Not that we ever adjust to being without someone we love and care about, but the emotions will calm down.  This is a very personal thing, and for each individual it may be different.  My opinion on this is to go when it feels right to you.  I have souls come through to me right after having left this dimension, before there has even been a memorial service.  Whether you decide to have a reading right after, or wait a period of time, a session with a good medium usually brings through some very comforting information.

  How about if you are going through a life situation, such as a financial situation, or the break up of a relationship, or you are having a medical issue?  Is this a good time to have a reading?  The answer to that question purely depends on whether or not you do your research and find a reputable genuine psychic to do the reading for you.  All too often people don’t do enough research and end up having a session with a charlatan or a scammer.  When you are going through a situation like any of the ones I have mentioned, you are vulnerable.  The charlatan can smell it, and they will use it to their advantage.  They can end up doing more harm than good in these cases.  If you have gotten a referral from a friend, or you have researched, a reading can be very helpful.  Read my previous blog about signs that you are being scammed.  When you have a session with a reputable psychic, or psychic medium he or she can help you quite a bit.  But rest assured a genuine psychic, or psychic medium will never try to make you dependent on them.  They never tell you must return to them, or that you should buy some expensive item to get rid of whatever is going on.  A suggestion may be made about doing meditation, or attending a workshop.  Or you may even be referred to someone who does genuine healing work.

  All in all, whatever the reason for having a reading, be it to speak with a loved one who had died on the earthly plane, or any type of life situation, the most important aspect is doing your research, or get a good referral from someone you trust.  Psychic readings and or psychic medium readings are very helpful in many different ways to many people.  Only you know if the time is right for you.  There is no specific time that is better than another to have a reading.  The most important part is getting someone to do your reading that is working in the light, and only has your best interest at heart.

Jun 17

Good or Evil

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

Periodically the question comes up whether or not what psychics do is good or evil.  There are people of certain religious backgrounds that believe that getting a psychic reading is dabbling in evil, or the “devil’s work”.  Some people feel this is a taboo subject to even approach, but I’ve never been shy about approaching a difficult subject.  Personally, I think this is a subject that needs to be addressed.  The way I choose to address this topic is based on my own experience.

What I have been shown through my meditations, and through experience with others, is that we are all born with intuitive abilities.  This is what I call our own internal “GPS”.  The reason for this internal “GPS” is because we are all spiritual beings.  I heard a quote once, and I cannot remember who said it, “We are all spiritual beings having a human experience, not humans having a spiritual experience.”  And I read in a Brian Weiss book, “It’s not a matter of finding out who we are, but a matter of remembering who we are.”  So, in that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, all things that we are given, are given by our creator for our use.

What is a GPS?  It is a guiding device, to give direction, to help when you are not sure where you are going.  Our “GPS” is that gut feeling you have, or that small voice you hear.  A lot of times people aren’t sure why they are feeling something, or where that voice is coming from, so they either choose to ignore it, or follow it.  I’d like to give an example of the kinds of things that we feel or hear.  Let’s say you are getting ready to go out for the day, and you hear, “take the umbrella, it’s going to rain this afternoon.”  Or, you are driving down a familiar road and you get a feeling, “Don’t take the regular way, the road is backed up, go over to the alternate road.”  So do you choose to follow that guidance, or should you ignore it?  If you ignore it, slowly you turn off that God-given intuition.  If you listen to it, you are saying to your guides, “I want to hear more.”  And they stand up and cheer, and it’s like a little cheering session saying, “We have his/her attention, let’s tell him/her more.”

Now that you have an understanding that we ALL have this inside of us, let’s talk about whether or not it is good or evil.  Firsts, it’s given to us by our creator/God.  God doesn’t give us gifts that are evil.  There are those who use their gifts in ways that they were not intended to be used.  That does not make all psychics or psychic mediums “evil”.  It is a matter of how they choose to their gifts that determines whether it is good or bad.  There are readers who use their gifts and are not operating in the light, and are using them to scam people.  One way in which this is done is by telling someone, “You have a curse on you.” Or, “You have a black cloud of negative energy around you.”  Then they will offer to lift the curse, or get rid of the negative energy for you for a sum of money.  Anyone doing such things is not using the gift for the purpose in which it was intended.  You can rest assured that there is Universal Law that takes care of such things.  I’m sure you have heard it, “What goes around comes around. Karma, what you put out is what you get back. You reap what you sow.”

There is too much good that is done by people using their gifts in the light, and in the way that it was intended to lump all psychics and psychic mediums into the same category and say that they are all evil.        When a medium connects a person with a loved one that has left the earthly plane, and there is no doubt  that is what they have done, this is not evil.  It helps to heal grief and helps the people left behind that are in so much pain from their loss.  Another example is when a psychic sees a young woman with a child, and the doctors have told her that she will likely not be able to have children, it gives her hope to move forward in her life.  These are good things and ways that the gifts help people.

Good versus Evil.  It’s not all black or white.  It’s about intent.  It’s about the way it is used.  Don’t let other people’s fear of something that they don’t understand rule what you do, or you think.  Make your decision about whether or not having a reading is the right thing for you.  By all means, do your research and be sure to connect with a psychic or psychic medium who is using their God-given gift in the way it was intended to be used, and they are operating in the light.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope you have enjoyed this one.  Love and Light to you.

May 01

Top Psychics Mediums

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

It’s been  while since my last blog entry.  I’ve contemplated for a while what I should write about.  I don’t believe in writing just for the sake of writing.  My writing has to have meaning, and just as the work I do, I believe it should have an impact.  The point of this writing is about the impact of the Top Psychic Mediums.
First I’d like to say who I feel these Top Psychic Mediums are.  There are a number who fit into this list, John Edward, James Van Praagh, Allison Dubois, Robert Brown, Char Margolis, George Anderson, and my personal friend and mentor, Carmen Harra.  This list is in now way meant to be all-inclusive.  This is just a few of the Top Psychic Mediums, and ones who have had an impact on me and my work.
Each of these Mediums have done wonderful things to bring to bring our work out into the open and bring recognition to this very legitimate field.  As I’ve written in the past, not everyone doing this work is doing so for the right reasons, or using it in the way it was intended to be used. John and James were, I believe, the first to put this work in the media, doing television shows and making the rounds doing group readings and helping people connect with their loved ones who have gone onto the next dimension.  Allison had a television show about her life, called Medium.  Each of these mediums have written and published books.  They have helped countless people connect with loved ones, and helped the society to have a better understanding of the process of making those connections.  I can honestly say that until they came out in the media, I didn’t have a full understanding of what I was experiencing.  Having grown up with the gift of knowing things, seeing things that others didn’t see or hear was a bit different.  Really knowing that others didn’t hear things the same way I did was brought to light to me until I was in my mid-twenties.  Up to that point, I thought we could all hear things the same way.  I knew that we didn’t all see the same things
When John and James first started with the media and writing, I started reading everything I could get my hands on that they had written.  At that point it all made sense to me.  In one of John’s books he wrote about the people that helped him to understand his gifts and use it in the way that he is now using it.  The first person was Lydia Clar.  She was the psychic whom his mother knew and visited all the time, and worked with for a period of time.  Lydia came to their home and actually did a reading for John.  Her contact information was listed in his book.  I contacted her and set up an appointment with her.  Lydia did a phone reading for me.  Lydia suggested that I should get in touch with Sheila Mattingly, who does past life regressions.  Also at her suggestion, I got in touch with Irene Weinberg who is an author of book that had been channelled to her by her husband that had passed.  Irene invited me to attend a workshop she was putting together with Dr. Sharon Wendt.  I attended Dr. Wendt’s workshop in New Jersey.
I believe it was in John’s second book he also mentioned that he had done workshops with Sandy Anastasi.  At that point I decided to research her and see if she was still doing workshops.  As it happened, she was beginning a new set of workshops that weekend.  My wonderful supportive husband said to that I should go.  We were living in Virginia, and the workshops were in Port St. Lucie, Florida.  Although it was short notice, everything fell into place, and I was able to attend the Psychic Development workshops with Sandy.  For the next six months, I attended workshops to get a handle on my abilities.  This was purely to be able to use these gifts in my own life, which I had already been doing, but I wanted to have a better understanding of them and be able to use them in a way that would be more helpful to me.  I was enjoying my successful career as a court reporter at the time.  During this weekend workshop I was introduced to Shaman Mic McManus, whom I continue to work with today.  I continued to read everything I could by every single psychic author I could get my hands on, the list was endless; Robert Brown, Char Margolis, George Anderson, Echo Bodine, Carmen Harra, and others.  As I read each of these books there were things in them that I could relate to and felt as though I was reading about my own life in some aspects.  Especially, when I got to read the book by Allison Dubois.  With Allison’s connection to the law and court system, this was all very close to home for me.
I continued to practice my court reporting and was even looking at getting a position within a court system, one where I could go to one place everyday.  With my experience and the fact that they had previously paid me as a contractor to come in and train their reporters on a new system, I believed I was a shoe-in for the job.  Only, I wasn’t a shoe-in, they didn’t hire me.  So, I called Carmen and set up a reading with her.  Carmen said to me, I don’t know if you realize this, but you are supposed to do readings full-time, like I do.  Carmen knew nothing about me, so she wouldn’t have known that I had done workshops to be able to control my gifts.  But in taking those workshops, I would never have thought I would end up doing readings full-time, as I was perfectly happy doing my court reporting, which I had been doing at the time for about 18 years.  After Carmen said that to me, I told her, I have no idea how to even begin doing this professionally.  She advised me to get a website, and she introduced me to Scott Cluthe, who at the time had a radio show.  When I talked to Scott, I ended up doing an impromptu reading for him, in which is wife came through, she had passed from cancer.  That was the beginning of me being on radio shows with Scott through the years.  Scott has been on Sirius radio, Healthy Life, Blog Talk Radio, just to name a few.  I’ve been on each of these networks with Scott.
Two years of doing court reporting and readings, and then it was time to give up the reporting altogether, and do, as Carmen had said, full-time readings.  Over the years of doing this, I’ve talked with and met quite a few people.  Many of which have told me about the impact that I’ve had on their lives, and I tell them, I merely deliver the messages, what you do with them is your responsibility.
Recently a client that I did a reading for had an opportunity to get an in person private reading with James Van Praagh.  When he went to the private reading, he said that James told him a lot of the same things that I had told him in our session.  He mentioned me to James, we’ve never met.  James, of course, didn’t know who I am.  My client sent me an email telling about his session with James and that he was a going to attend a workshop with James in New York.  After a great deal of through and meditation, I decided that I too would attend the workshop.  I got to meet James, and thank him for the work he has done and continues to in this field.
What makes these people the Top Psychic Mediums?  Well, for one the attention they have brought to the work.  They have impacted so many people, some of which they have met, others they have not.  As you can see from my telling of their impact on me.  Reading a couple of books, I’ve ended up meeting a number of people that have helped along the path of bringing me to where I am today in doing full-time psychic and psychic medium readings myself.  This is not something I would have thought I would be doing with my life, for sure.  It’s through the impact that we have on others, sometimes we know and sometimes we don’t know. but our impact can be far reaching.  And because of that, I would like to say, thank you John Edward, James Van Praagh, Allison Dubois, Robert Brown, George Anderson, and especially, Carmen Harra.  For those I have met, it’s a pleasure to count  you as my friends and colleagues.  For those I have not met, I feel very blessed for your contributions to my life, without you even knowing me or meeting me, you have helped me and many others by the work you are doing.  Keep it up and I send you Universal Love and Light.
A client of mine had an opportunity

Feb 25

Is Your Psychic Real or a Scam?

By heaven | The Psychic Blog

In my last posting I talked about what to expect when you have a reading with me.  Today I’m going to talk with you about what I call the “Neon Sign Factor”.  There are many psychics and psychic mediums that are real, genuine, and operating in the light.  Unfortunately, there are equally as many, if not more that are not real, are looking to scam people, or are just not operating in the light with the right intentions.  If you are in an area where there are shops, or psychic reading salons, as they are sometimes called, there will be a neon sign saying “Psychic” or “Palm Reader”.  By no means am I saying that all of these are scammers, but in this blog I am going to give you some indicators to look for if you happen to be in one of these types of shops, or even if you are doing a reading by phone.

More often than not when someone is looking for a reading they have a situation that is going on in their life that they are hoping to gain insight into, having a relationship issue, or someone close has passed away and they are hoping to connect with them.  In situations like this the person going for the reading is vunerable.   When we are vunerable we sometimes miss things that would not otherwise get by us.  There are times when people are just going for a reading because it would be fun to do, but that is really the unusual type of reading.  But these guidelines can help no matter what the reason is that you are looking for a psychic reading.

A lot of times it will start with being lured in with really inexpensive, or a cheap price.  That is because knowing that clients are vunerable, the money end of the scam comes at the back end of it.  I don’t mean to imply that all the scams start out as completely inexpensive either.  Some have gained confidence and will charge more in the beginning.  Part of the reason for the inexpensive draw in is to gain the client’s trust, and build a relationship, keep the client coming back often. 

Another indicator is your psychic reader telling you not to tell anyone what you have been told in your reading.  There is no reason in the world why, if you choose to share something that has come through in a legitimate reading that you cannot.  This is a red flag.  Along the same lines is taping a session.  In fact, I encourage people to record their sessions, that way I know they can be paying full attention while we are in the session and not distracted by trying to take notes at the same time, and then it can be listened to again after the session.  So, if  you are told you cannot tape record your session, ask why?  Now I can tell you that there may be something that comes through in a session that spirit might not want on the tape, and they can make it sound different, or it is blank, but that is not and should not be the decision of the person doing your psychic reading.  If you bring your own recording device you will know for sure it has not been tampered with, and it’s under your control.

This next indicator can go either way, but I list it anyway as just something to be aware of.  If there are two people and the reader says the other person cannot stay in the room, be sure it is for a legitimate reason.  In my sessions I will allow someone to stay as long as the client is okay with, and they are not concerned that something may come up that they do not want anyone else to hear.  Sometimes when there is more than one person in the room a second fee will be charged because something could come up for the other person, this would be true in a psychic medium reading.  It would not be the case for a tarot card reading, or a palm reading.

If you are in your reading and you are told that you have “a black cloud over you, negative energy following you, a curse on you”, any of these types of statements are a lead in to begin the scam.  Another one is if you are having a relationship issue and you are trying to get back together with someone, or even get someone to leave you alone and this psychic can help you with it, can fix it, can heal it, these are all things that are indicators of scams.  Sometimes they will tell you to put a certain amount of money in a white envelope and then pray over it, sleep on it and then bring it to them.  In one case you will be told that they can do candle magic to fix the issue and the candle is an enormous amount of money.  There is no amount of candle magic, or you giving someone a large sum of money that is going to fix any of the above listed “issues”. 

When anyone is having things go wrong in their life, be it in a relationship, job, or however they are effecting you, no one else can fix it but you.  It means there is a life lesson that you must learn in order to move forward.  No one can learn your lessons for you, you must walk that road yourself.  You must take the class yourself.  When you learn the lesson you then begin to move forward.  Sometimes that lesson is patience, sometimes it’s tolerance, or communication.  It’s always a life-lesson. 

In closing for today, remember psychics and psychic mediums can be very helpful when they are real and operating in the light.  When they are not real or just scamming, they can do more damage than good.  Be aware of that when you are looking for a psychic or a psychic medium.  Do your research or get a referral from someone else who has had a good experience.

Until next time, I send Universal Love and Light to you.